Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"7 ideas"

1. sculpture of giant eye and an arm reaching out of it trying to touch the viewer.

2. photograph stills of water splashing over a variety of objects.

3. rich looking couple looking out over the horizon of death and despair, (symbolism)

4. "leave it to reefer" photograph of the original "Beaver" character in a marijuana atmosphere (med. marijuana pitch)

5. "humanoid gathering" a gathering of humanoid creatures at a business meeting type thing.

6. psychedelic painting, color variety with almost recognizable curves.

7. Female body compilation, a variety of different sketches of female figures and splotched out faces (symbolism).

Friday, April 8, 2011

Identity Essentials

As container of the soul the body gives off an invisible presence.
The ability to create a new life and mother a child is an essence of the female gender.
The dove reflects a sense of peace yet there will always be a hole.

Your actions can mark or label you, like a walking canvas.
Injustice, corruption, ad immoral leadership controls this "free" land.

           I chose to photograph hands simply because of there importance and their individuality, your hands can show much of a persons character, personality, or fatigue. It just seemed natural to almost brand the hands in this case, I feel that it worked fairly well.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Exquisite Corpse"

It smelled more like fresh carpet or maybe new shoes
 This old guitar, oh how she's seen the world

All parked in a line, as perfect as possible

Monday, March 21, 2011

3 Photos:

I took this picture last summer. Its my two little nephews crab hunting. The purpose of this photo was to simply capture a moment. The positions of the kids were intentional as anyone can guess its hard to get kids to set still for anything. I love sharing photos of my nephews because their such a huge part of my life as I'm the uncle C.J. who lives next door. I have a very strong bond with them and it influenced the way the picture was taken simply with their attitude in the picture, a somewhat forced smile that seems to just be piled on top of a totally natural smile. They were having a blast on the beach hunting crabs with their awesome uncle, whats not to love.

My room mate took this picture of me "partaking". This picture has no significance beyond the fact that it turned out pretty cool and I am pretty amazing at making smoke rings. The purpose of taking this picture was just to capture the moment like any other photo; why not when a digital camera today can take 600 pictures and put them on a tiny little card with ease. My room mate is one of my best friends and me and him just enjoy playing video games and smoking along with getting creative with the smoke. I obviously intended on having the picture taken, I am facing the camera and the action is intended to be captured in the frame.

This is just some dude at a NORML function. It was most likely taken just to document that the man was at the function and probably post it on a blog or other website for either party. I would imagine their was no warning that the picture was going to be taken or that there is any relationship between the photographer and the subject. The man seems to be preoccupied with a conversation or another activity.

Modular Madness

I started and finished this project from sheer frustration. First off you wouldn't think gathering a bunch of cd's would be that difficult but it seems most people like to horde their cd's. Using the cd's for the project proved to be a huge challenge as far as composition. They like to snap apart and don't like to stick together.

I began trying to simply melting the cd's together using a heat gun, this took FOREVER and they did not bond well at all. So then I tried to up the power and invested in a torch. While that greatly increased time efficiency it didnt much help them bond any better. SO then I resorted to using the torch for simply bending the cd's and used a hot glue gun for sticking the damn things together and even that didnt work all that well.

The design was influenced by a past experience wit ecstasy and a couple other drugs in a trip I had at a club on atlantic beach. I had taken far more than I should have to maintain any social ability but the experience was none the less amazing. In a lounge area I stared at the reflective surface of a wall and saw the sound coming from them. The wall turned to liquid and its texture was just as intriguing. I saw geometric shapes protruding from the wall as well as the trip continued.

I made an attempt to capture this experience in my piece and felt I did a pretty good job at it with the amount of material I had to work with. Though if I had a better budget and thus more materials I could have done a much better job i feel. None the less my presentation earned me some points.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cardboard project final piece

I covered the sculpture in a cardboard dust and wood glue-cement like paste to give it a more realistic look and texture.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cardboard Progress Report

I am making a cow bone replica out of cardboard and this is my current progress. As you can see my strategy is glueing cardboard together into a block and then carving and sculpting the object out of that block. Lets see how far i make it before i lose a finger.

 medium made and first round of shaping:
 Second round of shaping:

Photo Safari

We were instructed to take photographs of our environment showing pattern, rhythm, texture, translation, reflection etc. These are my top 8 favorite ones.

translation/reflection:  progressive

translation/reflection: progressive

translation/reflection: informal texture

rotation: non-progressive 

translation/reflection: non-progressive rhythm

translation pattern: non-progressive

Texture: informal non-progressive pattern 

translation/reflection: non-progressive 

Dot Compositions

With our creativity tied to a short range of black dots and a piece of paper, we created compositions that showed action, movement, or even just position. We then matched this with a real life replicated composition consisting of people's bodies. Sounded easy enough but getting everyones cooperation was a tough task in itself. Then matching the dots exactly was the most difficult part about it. Soon enough I figured out how to adjust my angle and frame and eventually got it to work...for the most part.  

Saturday, January 22, 2011


First day of WASH and it did not disappoint. The challenge: create a newspaper structure to independently hold a cinder block as high off the ground as possible. Sounded easy enough but with a limited amount of newspaper and the only adhering substance being elmers school glue, it was a bit of a challenge.

My first design consisted of two parts; the bottom had three legs and the top had a thick cylinder to directly support the block on top. That design fell through. The three legs could not support the overall structure while maintaining, well, its structure. (lol)

My second, last minute, design was the winner. I went with  much more basic circle on top of triangle insuring that stability wouldn't be as much of a problem. I still was able to maintain the same height but it definitely wasn't as pretty. It held up though at a height of 22 1/2 inches. It wasn't a winning number of course but good enough for me!